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Research in Toxicology

As a researcher in toxicology, you must focus on understanding the harmful effects of chemicals, nanoparticles, substances, or other environmental factors on human health and ecosystems. The work involves everything from designing and conducting studies to gathering reliable data on exposure risks, mechanisms of toxicity, and long-term effects.

In evidence-based toxicology, the researcher takes the studies one step further, synthesises evidence from scientific literature, uses advanced analytical techniques, and applies statistical models, a researcher aims to identify the safe exposure limits, inform regulatory policies, and contribute to public health guidelines. The work bridges toxicology, environmental science, and medicine to ensure that the scientific evidence, above all else, drives decisions on chemical safety and risk management.

Mission Statement of ResinTox:

Provide the toxicology community with updated data, research, and input regarding relevant subjects to relay to healthcare providers, agencies and corporations.

How we do it:

Conducting retrospective case control- or cohort studies of readily available data to provide guidance and research methods, through systematic and collaborative work. One recent article cover the impact that venom variability has on treatment and patient outcomes.


Conducting systematic reviews, and meta analysis on published studies to synthesise evidence.