We are at the moment involved in a few research projects, some of them with external organisations. To take part in these, one has to be a formal member of respective organisation.
ResinTox is acting as an information hub on what is done in the mission of creating a better, and safer environment, for all. From time to time, there are open spots to participate in everything from research, and data mining to co-authoring and authoring scientific papers that make a difference.
Pre-study, Single-stage Study
Pre-study on The Venom Toxicity of Vipera berus in Southeast Europe to Provide Foundations and Guidelines for Further Evidence-based Research on Venom Variability Throughout Eurasia.
Final stages reached and preprint is submitted for publication.
Preprint available: 10.5281/zenodo.14795382
Retrospective Cohort Study
A Study in Vipera berus Venom Variability, and The Suspected Link to Long-term Health Effects.
Long term study, still in the planning phase. Will be launched shortly. Formal membership in the EBTC is mandatory for all contributors.
Open spots available, for those interested in long-term projects.
AI and Machine Learning in Snakebite Treatment – A Commentary Analysis
An analysis on the different global Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning research projects in some challenging areas. Snakebite identification, treatments and identifying snake species in particular.
One open spot for experienced writer with a background in scientifical work.
Investigative research in alleged plant-based antivenom efficacy
An analysis on the published research projects in traditional medicine and plant-based antivenom treatments.
Investigative research in synthetic antigen-based antivenom efficacy
An analysis on the published research projects in synthetic antigens in antivenom treatments.
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Health effects of nicotine
A systematic review and meta-analysis is conducted to establish the effects of nicotine in humans. This is to provide evicence-based research to legislators and organisations. The recent upswing in the use of vapes and all-white nicotine pouches has triggered the research into whether nicotine has any long term effects on the human body.