Springtime is coming with warmer and longer days. This will also mean that the herpetofauna will slowly wake up. On Facebook, you can find a group dedicated to the wild reptiles and amphibians in Sweden. Every year the members post stories, pictures, and discussions. A lot of focus is on the snakes, but all other species of herpetological interest are welcome. You can look up the group named ‘Svenska Ormar’. This is also the biggest reptile group on Facebook in Swedish.
Scientists, specialists, professionals, biologists, and people within the herpetological society and associations are among those who keep the information factual and correct. The group is public and meant to be informative whereas everyone can ask any relevant question, or post a picture to share. Discussions are held mainly in Swedish, but English is welcome, and even though the automatic translation interface is not very good everyone should be able to follow discussions.
Every year the media scare the public and pour fuel on their fires. However, the group does a marvelous job when it comes to delivering balanced information about the risks, dangers, and identifications of the snake species.